UNK’s production of “A Fox on the Fairway” is expected to be an engaging, comedy-filled show that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. Directed by UNK alumna...
Professors were invited to taste test a variety of homemade salsas made by faculty on Monday, Sept. 24. The 2nd Annual Salsa Contest also featured the presentation of the Innovative...
On Wednesday, Sept. 18, UNK hosted its annual Health Career Fair in the Nebraskan Student Union. High school and college students were able to interact with 40 different booths...
The demolition of two empty residence halls at UNK is underway as part of a broader plan to upgrade housing for fraternities and sororities on campus. University Residence North...
Last week, the Panhellenic sororities on UNK’s campus completed their final days of recruitment. Each year the four chapters spend three days getting to know potential new members...
Renovation projects around campus are wrapping up in time for the start of a new semester. The Calvin T. Ryan Library project is in its final phase of construction and students...
Last week UNK Theatre presented “Say It Out Loud”, a play penned by UNK’s own alumna, Lauren Bonk. Deemed by Bonk as an “anti rom-com”, this play explored self-identity...
Behind all the glitz and glam of cowboy hats and country boots, there are many hours of work and planning that go into putting on a successful concert.
Todd Gottula,...
The Global Student Association hosted its annual Holi Festival of Colors. UNK students joined in on the colored powder, water balloon and water gun fun.
Many students...
It has been four years since the 10th annual Stroll Off. Sigma Lambda Gamma took home gold in the return of the Multicultural Greek Council’s Stroll Off Competition on March 28....
After animal spaying and neutering activists tried to neuter him, Louie broke free from his spot on campus! As officials hunt to find Louie, The Antelope has received photos from people who have spotted...
Sam Schroeder and Zane Grizzle have won the election and will serve as UNK's next student body president/regent and vice president.
Schroeder and Grizzle won out the voting with 649 votes in their favor...