Whether it involves street parking, meter parking, using a parking pass or parking in unauthorized parking spots, the parking at UNK is a problem. UNK parking is the Woodstock of campus or the Fyre Festival.
The number of students versus the number of parking lots and parking spots on campus was not taken into consideration when the parking lots were being constructed
I haven’t bought a parking pass on campus since my sophomore year, it hasn’t been convenient enough for me to even consider buying one.
One of the good things about parking on campus is how cheap the passes are compared to other universities. I’d rather park on the street somewhere close to the side of campus I need to be on. Another option is to try and find an open spot with a meter.
I try to only park on campus after hours when parking is free. I recently got a parking ticketing while parking at a meter where I inserted a few quarters. The time wouldn’t move from 15 minutes. Needless to say, I’d prefer to postpone my trip to campus for after hour than run the risk of getting another parking ticket.
I am not sure if a parking garage would help solve the parking issue on campus or if it would even be necessary. I don’t even think making the tickets cheaper will solve the problem. Instead of paving new parking spots and spending money on a new project rearranging the existing parking lots could help. Make commuter parking closer to the main campus. Those who live on campus should be able to use commuter parking.
To alleviate UNK’s parking problem, the student body can contact the UNK student government to voice their concerns and ask questions about the situation.