The 2020 election cycle is in full swing as official filing with the Nebraska Secretary of State is now open.
The current incumbent for the Senate seat up for election in Nebraska is Ben Sasse who has already announced his reelection bid.
Senators are elected for six-year terms, and there are no term limits in the Senate. The 2020 Primary Election in Nebraska is scheduled for May 12. More voting information and the voter registration portal can be found on the Nebraska Secretary of State website.
This election cycle, the Nebraska Democratic Party will be using the primary to select the candidates for all ballots including the President and Senate. This is a change from the 2016 election where the NDP used caucuses for selecting a presidential candidate.
The Democratic primary ballots in Nebraska are also open, meaning voters registered as nonpartisan or independent can choose to vote on the Democratic primary ballot at the polls.
The following candidates are those that have announced their campaigns to run against current Senator Ben Sasse.

Chris Janicek
Chris is originally from a farm family in David City but now lives in Omaha and runs a small business. He believes that the current elected officials have shown they do not know how to govern and it is time to vote them out. Angered by Senator Sasse for resigning from the Ag Committee after a 50-year tradition of having a Nebraskan serving as a member, Chris understands the struggle farm communities face.
“The people of Nebraska deserve better.”
Top Policies
Climate Change —
Acknowledges the reality of climate change and has recruited four young minds to help shape his climate policy goals; sees Nebraska has large pieces of land that would be excellent for wind or solar energy
Agriculture — Support family farmers and ranchers by re-examining tariffs and lowering handouts to big businesses
Wages — Supports the increase of the federal minimum wage and wants to achieve this through lowering taxes on companies
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Angie Phillips
Angie grew up in rural western Nebraska and now resides in north Omaha. She has spent over a decade working in advocacy roles for at-risk youth and struggling families. Angie became politically galvanized during the 2016 election. She is a self-described humanist, devoting herself to human welfare, and founded the Nebraska Progressive Legislative Study Group.
“If rich dudes in suits could solve all our problems, Congress wouldn’t be dysfunctional.”
Top Policies
Rural Revitalization — Improvement of agricultural production and non-farm opportunities and improving access to basic needs
Uplifting the working class — Get big money interests out of politics and maintain connections with constituents
Women’s Rights — Empower women of all ages, advocate for women’s rights, and work towards equitable representation of women in leadership
Immigration — Organized humanitarian relief during the O’Neill ICE Raids and calls for the abolishment of ICE and humane immigration reform
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Alisha Shelton
Alisha lives in the Omaha area and has continued to be active in her community. Money was tight for her family growing up and she got her first job detasseling corn at age 13. She has extensive experience working in the mental health field and organizing civic engagement in her community. Alisha is also an active member of her church.
“I am tired of the America that we are looking at today. I no longer recognize it.”
Top Policies
Gun Violence — Understands, as a gun owner, the responsibility one takes up to ensure that guns do not get in the wrong hands, considers smart guns (fingerprint access) a potential idea
Healthcare — Works as a licensed mental health professional and sees a need for healthcare to be geographically accessible
Economy — Desires a new deal for working people to ensure families are thriving rather than struggling to make ends meet through strengthening trade relations and agriculture policies
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