Amidst Christmas and the turn of the new year, reports of mysterious drones came rushing in throughout Nebraska. Many accounts were documented, but the purpose of the drones or where they come from was never determined.
On Dec. 26, 2019, some of the first reports of drone sightings occurred in northeastern Colorado. These sightings were often described as “swarms” of drones and were even said to demonstrate advanced flying formations. These sightings spread quickly into Nebraska and Wyoming occured at night – most sightings occurring between 7 and 11 p.m. On Jan. 8, the state posted its Suspicious Activity Reporting website as a part of the Nebraska Information Analysis Center. The state urged Nebraskans to make use of this site. Nearly 300 separate reports were shared in under two weeks.
Though state government did voice their concern and equal suspicion, nothing was done to prohibit or terminate them.
There was some media coverage of this, but the topic quickly died out once sightings slowed.Where these drones came from and what their intended purpose was went unanswered.
As these were unknown objects, this is a matter of importance that has been overlooked. Most government agencies, namely the armed forces, stated the drones were not their doing. Surveying was also ruled out.
Despite being 200 feet off the ground, fine by general airspace property law, there were possible violations of FAA class E2 airspace law. They also may have been unregistered drones, since they could not be tracked down. In the end they were likely breaking the law, if nothing else.