Darveau shapes the lives of youth volunteering for Scouting programs
Amanda Demilt
Antelope staff
Scott Darveau, department chair and UNK professor of chemistry, has taught at the college for 21 years and has volunteered in the Scouting program for 15 years. There are many volunteer opportunities advertised for the students at UNK but the volunteer efforts of the staff are often overlooked.
Darveau became a volunteer in the scouting program when his son, Ryan, joined Cub Scouts in 2003 as a first grader in the Tiger Den, and he never looked back. Ryan has since earned the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in scouting. Ryan credits Scouting for shaping him into a better person, and Ryan into a better man.
As a youth, Darveau was a Cub Scout but, due to a lack of communication, was never contacted by the unit when he crossed from Cub Scouts into Boy Scouts. Years later, he joined with his son and after only a year as a Tiger Adult Partner, he became the Cubmaster for Pack 135, a position he held until 2006. After moving on from the Cubmaster position, his involvement in scouting progressed.
Over the years he has held many positions at the pack, troop and district levels. The positions he currently holds are the District Chair and Associate Lodge Advisor for Program in the Order of the Arrow. In addition, he is a staff member for the next Wood Badge Course in 2018. His list of duties for all three positions is immense, resulting in a packed schedule.
The amount of time he spends devoted to scouting each week varies. “The standard ‘tongue-in-cheek’ answer is always ‘just an hour a week.’ However, it can vary a lot depending on what is happening,” Darveau said. “It might truly only be an hour or two when conducting a simple meeting. But when attending a weekend camp or fellowship, it would be up to 36 hours, or when conducting Wood Badge training weekends, it could be as much as 40 hours a week,”
Though he spends so much time devoted to the program, he continues to see a future for himself in the scouting program. “I plan to continue my service in all my current roles for the future and even if the roles change, I see myself as a lifelong volunteer in the Scouting Program,” Darveau said.
Scouting strives to teach life values to the young people in its ranks. The scouts are taught a scout law and oath that he uses as guidance. Scouting has made a lasting impression on him.
“In dealing with people honestly, looking for the best in people, and finding ways to be of service to others, I try to be the best person I can be,” Darveau said. He tries to live by the values the program teaches the youth.
Though there are many great benefits to being involved, Darveau does have a favorite part. “Perhaps the most rewarding part of volunteering is seeing the difference we can make is the lives of not only the boys, but also often for the families. When boys accomplish more than even they found possible and you see the joy in their faces and the pride in their parents faces, it is truly rewarding to have played a role in making that possible,” Darveau said.