Students are rolling up a sleeve to help replenish blood supply diminished by winter storms
Samantha Shaw
Antelope Staff
Senior Brooke Emmert, accounting major, decided to roll up a sleeve for the first time. The American Red Cross Blood Drive was a two-day event held Jan. 24 – 25 in the Ponderosa Room of the Nebraskan Student Union.
“I’m very afraid of needles which is why I have never donated blood before,” Emmert from Lincoln said. “But I am trying to face my fears to help a good cause.”
The Red Cross critically needs donors now after winter weather adds to severe blood shortage when nearly 300 blood drives were forced to cancel, resulting in more than 10,500 blood donations uncollected.

Senior accounting major, Brooke Emmert, decided to face her fears with a smile and roll up a sleeve for the first time to help replenish the needed blood supply for millions.
The American Red Cross urges eligible blood and platelet donors to help replenish and overcome the shortage. All blood types are needed to supply patients. Blood donations help millions of patients in need. Volunteering helps become part of a group of people who make a difference in the lives of others. Download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS to make an appointment or for more information.