Being an adult can be challenging, especially if you’re a college student with a job. When we were kids, they told us that college and going to work is a great experience. But...
Lucasfilm has done it again with their newest animated series, “Star Wars: The Bad Batch.” This show uses its established world to tell an exceptional story with mesmerizing...
Animation has been around for over a century; it entertains and tells complex stories. But people think that it is just for kids and not adults. But that’s not always true.
Columbia Pictures celebrated its 100th anniversary with “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” and had me frozen to my seat. The story, the visuals and the character development made...
Things aren’t looking too good for the antelopes. The UNK Communication and Marketing team decided to get a new mascot for UNK: the squirrels.
The announcement received...
Lopes for Hope finished February with a relaxing event for students. Students could paint mugs, drink hot cocoa and relax while talking to their peers.
Lopes for Hope does monthly...
Flowers were everywhere on campus as Valentine’s Day drew near and UNK was ready to celebrate. Volunteer Around the World Global Health Alliances sold flowers to any student...
Netflix did it again with “Blue Eye Samurai” being its greatest animated show. “Blue Eye Samurai” is a magnificent work of art that encompasses exceptional storytelling,...
UNK started the new year off with a Student Organization Fair. Students come to interact with different clubs and organizations to see what UNK has to offer.
This allows students...