“One Day” took Netflix by storm ranking in the top ten for the second week in a row. The Netflix series is an in-depth interpretation of the original story previously released...
As winter's chill lingers and the promise of spring whispers in the breeze, there emerges a day both revered and reviled among the hearts of students: Valentine's Day....
“The Graham Effect” by Elle Kennedy is a new adult romance spin-off book that follows the new generation of beloved characters from the Off-Campus and Briar U series.
Antelope Staff
“Have you found someone you’re interested in yet?”
“Have you found someone you’re interested in yet?”
“Are you going to ‘define the relationship’?”
Antelope Staff
Before I begin this review of Olivia Wilde’s “Don’t Worry Darling’,’ I must admit I went into this movie completely unaware of what it was. Between my lack...