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The Student News Site of University of Nebraska at Kearney

The Antelope

The Antelope

The Antelope

Letter to the editor

Letter to the editor

Oct 13, 2023

Dear editor, On Oct. 2 around 4 p.m., I walked to the fountain on [the] UNK campus to support the students who assembled there to protest against UNK administration’s proposed decision to cut faculty/staff...

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

May 16, 2023

Dear editor, I am submitting the following in response to the student director’s dismissal news appeared in your issue of May 4, 2023. With declining enrollments and degrading moral and ethical values...


Sep 23, 2021
r to qualify, letters should be up to 150 words, should refer to an article that in our most recent issue, and must include the writer’s email and phone number.

Letter to the Editor: All Talk, No Action: UNK Administrators are Failing Us

I attended Senior Vice Chancellor Bicak’s conversation regarding campus inclusion and respect on March 11 to express my concerns over the university administration’s unwillingness to permit us students to wear graduation stoles that represent our diverse cultural identities and various student organizations at our Commencement Ceremony. I was extremely disappointed to learn that soon after the conversation Dr. Bicak led, Senior Advisor to the Chancellor Dr. John Falconer sent an email restating the current policy that strictly academic-related regalia may be worn at commencement.
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