The Loper Programming and Activities Council held its annual Stuff-A-Plush event at the Nebraskan Student Union. Students from all over campus came together to spend a few minutes making memories with friends and classmates.
LPAC, in partnership with Pure Health, has held this event for several years with organizers saying it’s become a tradition for students. The Stuff-A-Plush event is very similar to Build-A-Bear, reminding students of their childhood memories and bringing nostalgia.
Hailey Hanneman, Loper Events co-chair and a member of LPAC, said the event brings in tons of students and she looks forward to being a part of it.
“It has been an annual event,” Hanneman said. “It’s a fun event right before Valentine’s Day for students to do self-love and have something for themselves. It’s part of the reason why we keep doing this every year. It’s always such a fun event and we always have really good turnouts.”
Students were seen gathering together with friends or classmates to make lasting memories that they could keep forever.
Some students were able to come to the event for the first time this year.
“I wasn’t able to go last year due to class but I’m glad I was able to come out and be a part of this,” said Emma Huggins, a sophomore studio art and English major. “I heard they have dinosaurs this year so I’m excited to see what they all have.”
Hanneman said she was also excited about the wide variety of plush animals that they received this year.
“I remember getting a squirrel my first year here and this year we got in a gray squirrel,” Hanneman said. “So, I’m getting a gray squirrel to go with the one I have. It’s such a unique event that LPAC puts on. It’s like Build-A-Bear but on campus, and it’s nice that we offer it with one plush per student.”
Last year, LPAC received about 600 plus animals but they ran out in less than an hour. This year, LPAC received more plush animals from The Bear factory with about 15 different kinds of plush animals that students can choose from.
Walker Gullickersen, an LPAC member and junior at UNK, said he loves the variety of plushies that they had this year.
“It’s nice to see more variety in the stuffed animals this year than there was last year and they’re cooler as well,” Gullickersen said.
This year’s event shows that students can come together, even if it’s for a short time, to have fun and make lasting memories.