HBO Max has started a new baking show titled “Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking” that mixes the world of the “Harry Potter” movies with Gordon Ramsay’s “Master Chef.” It is entertaining to those who are a fan of either franchise or to those who may not know anything.
As a fan of both franchises, it was thrilling to hear about a baking show that will involve moments from the movies.
The set itself is at “Warner Bros. Studio Tour London” where the movies were made. Inside are breathtaking structures of the Great Hall, Gringotts Wizarding Bank, Hogwarts Library and the Hogwarts Express that will take contestants to the next round of the competition. The hosts are familiar faces who were part of Ron Weasley’s household, James and Oliver Phelps, better known for their roles as Fred and George Weasley.
Not only will they be part of the show throughout, but they also sprinkled in special guests such as Bonnie Wright who plays Ginny Weasley, and Emma Lynch who plays Luna Lovegood.
The show brings in nine different teams to compete one at a time, and each team is paired up as they share a certain love for certain characters, objects or moments. This varies from Luna Lovegood herself, the Expecto Patromum spell or the entire first movie of the “Harry Potter” franchise.
There are lovely art renditions of each team’s final product, which helps the viewers at home understand what their creation will be, but also gives off an incredible feeling in seeing the final product altogether. I’m always excited to see how it turns out, and getting to see their baking arts come to life can get anyone’s appetite going.
I personally enjoyed Miko and Chirstopher’s “Homage to Slytherin’s House” in the visuals, including how the fountain goes from white to green to present the house’s color, despite being a Hufflepuff myself.
I truly love how many references there are in the first two episodes not only with the competitors but also in showing small clips from the films. It is a very relaxing show to watch during this holiday season while drinking some delicious hot cocoa.
Despite only two episodes being aired at the time of this writing, they are both over an hour long, so no worries about too little content.
Looking at this from an outsider’s perspective, I still think this will be an enjoyable show. It has incredible baking with different cakes that look so appetizing it is hard to resist wanting a piece. Viewers also gain more understanding of what creates the world of “Harry Potter.” I hope this will have multiple seasons with different guests appearing, because I love the mixture of two different genres as if this was a potion’s class.
“Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking” casts a spell on the audience to draw them into watching. Everyone can find some enjoyment within this show, and I recommend watching as this year draws to a close. I give it a chief’s kiss for what it brings to the wonderful world of wizards.