Rachel Papez
Antelope Staff
If you want to build your language skills and improve your knowledge of the world in general, study abroad. Ann Marie Park, the Assistant Director of International Partnerships and Study Abroad at UNK, says studying abroad is the fastest way to learn a language and a culture.
“English is so commonly spoken around the world as a second language that it’s hard to find little communities where they don’t speak English,” Park said. “One must really make a concerted effort to not speak English because it’s so much easier. If you make that effort it will really pay off.”

• Email unkstudyabroad@unk.edu.
• Specify what you want to talk about, whether it’s a specific program or just exploring your opportunities, and list your availability to meet during the week. This allows appointments in a timely fashion and personal questions about study abroad
• Contact Ann Marie Park (ABOVE)and Lisa Mendoza in Welch Hall.
Many first-time students can be scared off by going to a country where they know no one and the challenge of speaking an unfamiliar language. “I can’t tell you how many students are afraid to try study abroad. We used to have a Peru program. Kids would go down there; they would be all scared and for the first couple weeks they wouldn’t even talk, but as soon as they started talking, they got the hang of it. Speaking a foreign language, it just builds your confidence and you learn,” Park said.
“Speaking a foreign language, it just builds your confidence and you learn.” -Ann Marie Park
The easiest way to begin speaking a new language is to think about language differently. It’s like you are adding a new vocabulary word or a new phrase to your knowledge. You learn to respond to things quicker, instead of hearing words and translating them, which is time consuming.
Park said she studied abroad as a student. “I felt like it was so pivotal in my growth and in my maturity. My outlook toward everything in the world. I feel it is so important that everybody does it,” Park said.
Park thinks all students should look at the opportunities UNK offers. “I don’t want students to graduate and later look back and think ‘huh, I never knew about study abroad.’ That’s my goal; make sure everybody knows that if they want to, they can.”
Even if you are not bilingual there are opportunities for students to study abroad. No language is required for the new Milan program. The program this summer is open to everybody at UNK. *An info meeting will be held on Feb. 7, 8, 10 from 4-5 p.m. in Copeland Hall 142. Deadline for application is due Feb. 17.
In place of the Peru program last year, students can now travel to Spain. The program is a semester long and 12 credit hours. It counts as language credit in the spring, or students participate in the English program offered in the fall.