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The Antelope

The Antelope

The Antelope

Courtesy photo by Mariah Watson

Job search: It’s OK to not be employed following graduation

MARIAH WATSON Apr 12, 2023 When I tell people I’m a senior in college, the first thing they ask is what I’m planning to do after I graduate. My answer is the same every time, “to be determined.” With...

UNK makes plans for 2021 graduation with changes

CASSIE BROWN Apr 21, 2021
UNK officials decided to hold the 2021 spring graduation in person this semester. There will be some changes from previous years, but they plan to move forward with safety in mind.
Adrian Gomez Ramos addresses students, staff, and faculty at an inclusion-centered open forum.

Commencement attire revamped to include approved dress

UNK administration loosened a dress code restriction that limited graduation commencement attire to academic regalia last month. The change in policy follows a student government resolution calling for the change and a forum on inclusion and respect directed by senior vice chancellor for student and academic affairs Charles Bicak.
the antelope news update

BREAKING: Commencement attire revamped, to include approved dress

Mitchell Lierman Mar 23, 2021
UNK administration loosened a dress code restriction that limited graduation commencement attire to academic regalia on Tuesday. The change in policy follows a student government resolution calling for the change and a forum on inclusion and respect directed by senior vice chancellor for student and academic affairs Charles Bicak.

Letter to the Editor: All Talk, No Action: UNK Administrators are Failing Us

I attended Senior Vice Chancellor Bicak’s conversation regarding campus inclusion and respect on March 11 to express my concerns over the university administration’s unwillingness to permit us students to wear graduation stoles that represent our diverse cultural identities and various student organizations at our Commencement Ceremony. I was extremely disappointed to learn that soon after the conversation Dr. Bicak led, Senior Advisor to the Chancellor Dr. John Falconer sent an email restating the current policy that strictly academic-related regalia may be worn at commencement.
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