Animation has been around for over a century; it entertains and tells complex stories. But people think that it is just for kids and not adults. But that’s not always true.
Oct. 27 brought a night full of entertainment with the annual lip sync battle and royalty coronation. Students, staff and community members crowded the Health and Sports Center...
Lopers put on their dancing shoes Friday for the LPAC Swing Dance event. Entertainment was provided by the Mckenzie JaLynn Band, and the event was held in the Ponderosa Room.
This was the first event...
“The Queen’s Gambit” is a Netflix limited series that follows the story of Beth Harmon, a young chess prodigy portrayed by Anya Taylor-Joy, who struggles with her...
CASSIE BROWNbrownc4@lopers.unk.edu
The band KISS played one final concert in Lincoln last week as part of the End of the Road tour. It was an excellent show, and gave area KISS fans a last chance to...