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The Student News Site of University of Nebraska at Kearney

The Antelope

The Antelope

The Antelope

Bella Manningham (Britney Kouma) discovers a gift which proves her husband had been lying about her forgetfulness. Kylie Schwab / Antelope Staff

Sparks fly on stage during psychological classic

JENNA HEINZ Oct 25, 2022 Performers in the UNK Theatre department hit the stage with their production of “Gaslight” from Oct. 5-9. Set in Victorian London, the play featured the story of Bella...

Athletic director, Marc Bauer, played the role of Coach Bolton in High School Musical, photo provided by Grace McDonald / Antelope Staff

Marc Bauer gets his head in the game with Crane River Theatre

GRACE MCDONALD Aug 19, 2022 Marc Bauer traded Loper blue for Wildcat red in Crane River Theater’s production of High School Musical. The UNK athletic director played Coach Jack Bolton at Yanney...

Theatre students performed “Marat/Sade” in March before theatre was postponed indefinitely.

The show must go on for UNK Theatre

HANNAH LOFSHULT Sep 10, 2020  As social distancing takes its toll on schools across the country, theatre is taking a hard hit. The UNK Theatre Department has had to think outside the box to continue...

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