Over the years, the holiday spirit has seen an untimely demise. This statement feels like an over-exaggeration, but comparing it to a decade ago, it does feel as if things have changed.
This can more than likely be connected to the pandemic that changed the usual standards society had experienced for the past few years.
So, why is this such a big deal? I’m sure many could care less about some dumb spirit for any sort of holiday. However, I disagree with it being dumb and believe everyone should try to bring that spirit back. Halloween is approaching rapidly, and that means getting to enjoy pumpkin carving, decorating spaces with ghouls, putting on costumes and trick-or-treating. All these activities are what makes this holiday so special and fun to enjoy the one time a year it comes.
When else would someone dressed up as Sonic the Hedgehog meet Billie Eilish other than Halloween?
Festivities happen all around us and while they will come back the following year, why act as if these are not moments where people can make special memories? Everyone is free to enjoy themselves and be silly for a bit on any holiday. Birthdays and anniversaries come every year with so much importance to them, so why can one not do the same for holidays?
After all, what is the difference between them that puts one over the other in terms of importance?
These moments may only come once a year, and it is so important to make them count while we can.
Christmas will arrive in two months time and it falls into the same boat of importance. It is a holiday surrounded by being with family and friends or enjoying the shining lights from Christmas ornaments. A snowy winter while enjoying some hot chocolate as Mariah Carey’s “Merry Christmas” plays on the radio for the twelfth time this week is more than enough for my holiday spirit to be jolly. It does not get any better than having that warm feeling of all these items coming together to form a lasting impression on us.
A holiday can have a set idea, but it is up to everyone to make it happen and experience its wonders.
I could go on and on about why holidays are so important, but it is up to everyone to make it feel special. Maybe a few people will think all of this is just a bunch of baloney, but I will be there to eat away at king sized Kit Kats, drink the homemade eggnog and countdown the next year’s arrival.
And frankly, I sure hope everyone else will do the same as me to not miss out on anything special.