As we grow up many things are thrown away and new focuses grab the attention of the masses. A higher education, another job opportunity or a new social group that fits with the needs of their modern life.
However, these changes should not affect the hobbies that have been with people for years.
There can be many reasons why hobbies come and go, but the main reason they should not leave is due to any shame or embarrassment of having them as we grow older. Many hobbies can be experienced without having to hide them from peers. They can range from many things such as sports, video games, social media, art and photography.
Hobbies are an amazing source of allowing people to express their enjoyment through a platform that cannot be found anywhere else. It helps those who may struggle with negative emotions such as anxiety, sadness or depression. It can help anyone take their mind off reality for a few moments and just find comfort in their own little world.
College students should aim to find or revisit hobbies that they enjoy as many things can flood our minds. Due dates, exams, part-time jobs or bills are just a few examples of what can become obstacles in students’ pursuit of their education. No student should have to continuously suffer without some sort of external help that gets them out of everyday normality and just lets them be them.
Although it may seem like pursuing a hobby can add to one’s plate, they can instead help give students a break from their major workload.
However, it is understandable that some things might be frowned upon today as being a hobby for the older groups. Perhaps watching cartoons, going to the playground, reading comic books or playing with dolls all fall into this area of being seen as too childish. But this should not stop anyone from finding entertainment in various activities if it does not harm or discourage others.
No one should discourage others from enjoying their passion as everyone is looking for their own ray of sunshine.
Everyone can enjoy their passions in the way they wish to express it. It does not have to be a common hobby for people to understand, but that is OK. There is a diverse pool of entertainment out there ready to be picked up by just about anyone. All it takes is for those people to find their love for it and be ready to let their happiness soar.
Whether someone has decided to go outside to play soccer with their little brother, stayed indoors to watch the latest episodes of “Spongebob Squarepants,” created a portrait of Edgar Allan Poe using macaroni or decided to play the newest chapter in “Fortnite,” all these options are perfectly acceptable. Everyone is human and can enjoy the small things that make them happy. No one should be discouraged from finding that happiness at any given point in time. Not during childhood, their teen years or in their adult years. Everyone is free to find what brings them joy.