Animation has been around for over a century; it entertains and tells complex stories. But people think that it is just for kids and not adults. But that’s not always true.
Animation has always been my favorite form of media and I love shows that use it to their fullest potential. But recently, someone on TV said that animation is just for kids and that got me thinking. Why do people think animation is just for kids when adults love it just as much?
For me, animation is a fantastic way to tell a story with endless possibilities. Some of my favorite shows and movies are animated and for good reason – its unique way to tell stories, its world building and the emotions carried through well-written characters give it an edge over live-action.
Animation should be used to inspire both adults and kids. It should unite us to come together and watch something that we as an audience will enjoy. Even adults deserve to watch any form of animation they want without being judged for it even if it’s a show made for kids.
There are plenty of animated shows and movies that live-action can’t always pull off. Some of the greatest stories ever told are animated and not always made for kids.
One example would be “Howl’s Moving Castle” where the characters deal with complex issues in a world that is at war. This movie works best animated because live-action can’t always pull off what animation can do – using visuals to their fullest extent. In one scene, a character is looking out at a field of flowers blowing in the wind. The scene can be done in live-action but it wouldn’t have the same emotional effect as it would animated. This movie worked best because it made good use of the characters’ emotions and put them into the world itself and they ran with it, creating something amazing.
It is the same with TV shows like “Avatar: The Last Airbender” where the main characters must end a 100-year war and unite four divided nations. The show uses animation to tell a complex story that both adults and kids can enjoy with likable characters.
Some shows appeal to both young and old audiences like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Detective Comics, Marvel and more.
These franchises know that there is an audience out there for both the old and the young. They see that animation is a means, not an end. Movies like “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” or “Atlantis: The Lost Empire” are splendid examples of animated stories that appeal to both adults and children’s audiences. It had amazing visuals and a story that was grounded. It used animation to tell the story in a way that live-action cannot.
Furthermore, animation shouldn’t just be for kids when adults enjoy it just as much. For example, take the exceedingly popular preschool show “Bluey.” It has a huge fan base made up of both adults and kids.
This series grew in popularity because the characters are relatable. It appeals to adults because being an adult or even a kid isn’t easy and that’s okay. This show proves that adults can enjoy an animated show even if it’s aimed at a younger audience.
We live in a world where animation can be used to tell complex stories, entertain audiences of all ages and inspire us to be better people. I think we should embrace animation and show that it’s just as much for adults as it is for kids.