Empowerment at the center of new organization’s focus
Rachel Arehart
Antelope Staff
A group p of UNK students, along with the help of the Women’s Center, is forming a chapter of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) on campus.
“The main purpose is to pull women together,” said Bailey Bond, the Women’s Center graduate assistant.
“One of the major benefits of having an organization like this in our current political climate is that the main purpose is to all women together. Especially recently, politics have polarized us as a society. The best way to bring chance is by pulling the women and supporters of center equality on our campus together; that’s what AAUW is going to allow us to do,” said Bond, and advisor for AAUW.
The AAUW is an international organization that works to empower and improve the lives of women. This organization was established in 1881 and currently more than 100 colleges and universities around the world are affiliated with AAUW.
Organizations that become affiliated with AAUW receive free resources and support to create campus programming around women’s issues. Students on campus are working toward creating a chapter of AAUW here in Kearney, which would be the first collegiate chapter of the AAUE in Nebraska. In order to become affiliated with the national organization, AAUW is required to be a registered student organization with UNK and to have the president and treasurer positions filled. This chapter of AAUW is still looking for more members to fill all of the executive board positions.
To become a registered student organization with UNK, each organization must write a constitution, have a sponsoring organization and an advisor. AAUW at UNK is officially sponsored by the Women’s Center. The organization’s co-advisors are Bailey Bond, the graduate assistant at the Women’s Center, and Kiphany Hof, the assistant director of the Women’s Center and Counseling.
As the sponsoring office of the organization, the Women’s Center strives to be a resource for AAUW by sharing knowledge and experience on the issues.
AAUW plans to collaborate with several organizations and offices on campus, including the Women’s Center, Student Government, QSA and Greek organizations in the It’s On Us campaign. AAUW will have a table with information available during April, the National Sexual Assault Awareness month.
AAUW is currently looking for UNK students who seek gender equality and who are willing to work with students and staff of similar interests. To join, contact the Women’s Center today.
Contact the Women’s Center for more information:
Office: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Email: womenscenter@unk.edu
Phone: (308) 865.8279
AAUW Sponsor: Bailey Bond
Email: bondbm@lopers.unk.edu