Photo by Josie McCormick / Antelope Staff
As humans, fear is not something new to the mind. Everyone has or will experience some type of fear in their lives, as that is just how life is.
So why do we have to be so afraid of the idea of fear?
The unknown is what causes the idea of fear when we are brought into situations that cannot be controlled. Whether that is trying to audition and not knowing who gets the leading part, waiting to see who gets the next big promotion at work or just trying to order a large pizza over the phone. People fear what could happen and not knowing the final result fills our bodies with anxiety and dread.
After the recent election results, many groups fear what the future will be and that is fine to feel. No one is going to be OK in every single moment of their life, as there are weaknesses in all that can range from common fears such as arachnophobia or more thought-provoking fears such as the fear of death.
Students have a lot to fear, and that is an understandable statement due to what can be brought to the table as we transition from high school teenagers to working young adults.
Going even further into adulthood will provide new fears for everyone to get through, but that is OK. New fears will show up when we least expect it, but that won’t change who we are. Fear is an emotion that won’t ever go away, and co-existing with it is like sharing an apartment with a roommate who won’t pay rent.
Instead of trying to kick out the roommate in what is going to be an effort in vain, learn how to deal with it in the best possible way. It is not going to be a perfect solution, but it is a solution that people can use for whatever fear exists.
It sucks dealing with it, but the more control we have of fear, the less it becomes a chore.
The idea of being OK with fear is not an easy task, but it is a possible one. Fear only becomes powerful the more we allow it to obtain said power, but where do people start?
Start at the reason the fear began and work through trying to fix what is causing it to appear now. Getting to the root of the problem and finding ways to get around it will help in overcoming it.
Please be aware though that it does not have to be a task that only one person has to get through alone. A major part of helping get through fear is those around us lending their support.
Friends and families are the obvious choices, but those who share similar fears can be the biggest help.
Learning about solutions other people have created to deal with it such as meditation, creating hobbies, hanging out with friends or even just diving headfirst into the fear will help in overcoming the fear. Unless diving headfirst into a volcano is the fear in question then probably skip the last part. However, being vulnerable to those who bring a comfortable feeling will help in relaxing the nerves and anxiety to deal with these fears.
Fear will never stop existing, but that should not mean people will have to suck it up and continue to feel it. Times are currently changing with an unknown future, but things are going to be OK.
Do not lose the hope and strength that lies dormant in all of us, because it will always be what helps us get through the toughest of times.