Julianan Merrihew scans her ID to get inside of Men's Hall. Photo by Gabby Roche / Antelope Staff
UNK is continuing to promote residence hall security after two unauthorized men were able to get inside UNL dorms. Resident assistants, the UNK Police Department and current exterior security measures have helped prevent this from happening at UNK.
Ted Eichholz, the assistant director of UNKPD, said students should be alert but also feel assured that their campus is safe.
“Be aware of your surroundings,” Eichholz said. “If at any time you don’t feel comfortable, utilize tools such as Safe Walk. But know that UNK is a very safe campus, and we do take pride in being a safe campus.”
The men who got inside the UNL dorms knocked on doors pretending to be RAs and were escorted out by residence hall staff.
Eichholz said current security measures that prevent this from happening at UNK include locks on all exterior and interior doors and the necessary scanning of student IDs to get into residence halls. Desk assistants who monitor those entering and exiting buildings and RAs on each floor also provide security.
Security cameras, which are located at all residence hall entrances, would help identify an unauthorized person if they entered a building.
If a non-resident entered a dorm, UNK would first locate the person and find out their intent for being there. Eichholz said if it’s a student, they will go through student conduct. If the person is not a student, a no-trespass order may be issued to keep students safe.
Despite the current security of residence halls, Eichholz said a situation like the one at UNL could occur at UNK if students aren’t properly closing doors. He said students often prop open side doors when going outside for a quick trip.
“When we do our rounds, we try to check all doors on a nightly basis,” Eichholz said. “For those doors that aren’t part of the keycard system, we will find rocks or twigs in them because people are going out to their cars quickly and they don’t want to go around and use their key card. Unfortunately, that breaches security because now anyone can come in that door, and we have no control over who does it.”
Elly Piper, a second-year RA in Antelope Hall, said UNK does a good job at maintaining residence hall security.
“I’ve been an RA at two different locations and the amount of times I personally go on rounds is a good amount,” Piper said. “I feel like that ensures safety. I also think we do a great job with our keycard access because I know from having to check all of these areas that I’m always having to scan my ID. I feel very safe here on campus and I trust my staff are also making it very safe.”
Susana Calmo, a UNK freshman living in Mantor Hall, said she believes a good relationship between students and RAs can create more security in residence halls.
“Our RAs keep in touch with us, hold frequent meetings to keep us informed and they have a really close relationship with us,” Calmo said. “I feel like that’s a good way to keep us alert. Another key to making the dorm buildings safer would be building relationships with your peers because they’re around you every day and night.”
Eichholz said students can help prevent security breaches by staying alert and remaining aware of their surroundings when opening exterior doors.
“The best security measures in place can be fooled by someone’s kind heart,” Eichholz said. “If you don’t know someone, don’t let them in. Be aware of your surroundings and don’t prop doors open.”