If you’re anything like me, when spring break comes and goes, so does my motivation toward my school work. Let’s face it, it’s hard to stay focused and dedicated to your studies when summer is right around the corner. We’ve all been there.
What’s important, though, is that you put your head down and grind through your tough academic times. Before we know it, it’ll be May and who wants to be stressing about finals week? Not me.
It’s crucial to start now to set yourself up for success at the end of the semester. Here are a few tips to help you maintain motivation and positivity as we are nearing the end of the school year.
Create a good study space: If you’re going to be productive, you have to have a study space that allows you to do so. Your study space should be calm and relaxing. A coffee shop would be a great place to start. Plus, you can have a refreshing drink as you work. What’s not to love?
Plan ahead: Most, if not all, professors provide students with a syllabus and tentative schedule at the beginning of the year. Use this to your advantage. If you know you have a huge paper due the first week of May, get a head start. You don’t have to do it all at once. Make a schedule to plan how much homework you will do and on what dates. This will make your academic career much more successful.
Ask for help: If you feel behind or lost in a class, don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s never too late. Professors love it when you pay them a visit during their office hours. You can also shoot them an email. There are so many ways to get in touch and get caught up. You have to have the courage to take the first step.
Prioritize self-care: At this point in the semester, it’s so critical that you take care of yourself. If you’re struggling, so will your grades. Be sure to create healthy sleep and exercise schedules. This will definitely play a role in how productive you are. Your nutrition is also important. Meal prepping allows you to have healthy and balanced meals without the hassle of cooking each day. A crock pot will be your lifesaver.
Socialize: It’s important to be on top of your school work, but it shouldn’t totally consume you. Be sure to take time to catch up with your friends and family. This is another great way to destress.
Get outdoors: As the weather becomes warm and the outdoors blooms, get outside. Fresh air and good views never hurt anybody. Personally, I love going on walks to take a break from my studies. Kearney has so many great parks, and I recommend that you check them out.
What are you waiting for? The time is now to set yourself up for success in May. Let’s finish the semester on a high note.