Career fairs open doors for industrial distribution students. Courtesy photo of Jada High
Transitioning from one phase of life to another can be a challenging experience, and my transition from UNL to UNK was no different.
I absolutely loved the time and experiences I had for my first two years of college at UNL. I pursued a degree in advertising and public relations in 2020 at Lincoln’s amazing communications department. I also joined a sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, where I met so many strong and inspiring women. I miss Lincoln dearly, but in my second semester at UNK, I can confidently say that I made the right decision.
To my surprise, the transfer process was actually pretty simple. The only struggle I had was getting my new advisers in the UNK Department of Communication to answer my emails.
There were a couple of reasons as to why I transferred to Kearney. My main priority was to be closer to my family because my dad was dealing with some severe health issues since 2020. I was also super interested in the industrial distribution program that is only offered at UNK.
When I became a Loper in the fall of 2022, I continued pursuing a degree in advertising and public relations, and I added a minor in industrial distribution.
Since then, I have been offered many wonderful opportunities that I would not have gotten at UNL.
I attended my first industrial distribution career fair where I connected with so many amazing companies and potential future employers. At the next career fair, I was offered three different internship opportunities with three different companies. I accepted an amazing summer internship offer that aligns with my career goals and keeps me close to home and close to my family.
I’ve grown in my advertising and public relations knowledge. I strengthened my skills in both design and writing with my experiential learning courses with The Antelope.
My experiences at UNK have been better than I could have ever imagined. My professors and fellow students are knowledgeable, approachable and supportive. My transition created a positive learning environment, and it helped me feel more confident and prepared for my future careers.