Fund A fee refunds from the University Program and Facility Fees, UPFF, are available now. Refunds are for eligible UNK students who apply by Friday, Feb. 23.
Renae Zimmer, director of Student Engagement, explained what the Fund A fee is.
“The Fund A fee is designated for student activities and budgeted by student government,” Zimmer said.
The Activity fees are funds collected from students accounts at the beginning of each semester.
Other undergraduate fees cover diversity and inclusion, identification cards and student records. There are also UPFF Fund B Fees which cover facilities, health and counseling and the wellness center.
Tammy Eaton, communications coordinator of Student Engagement, listed which events are supported by the Fund A fee.
“The fees fund Recognized Student Organizations, and events such as concerts, bands, comedians, speakers, Homecoming, 5K Run for Scholarships, FAME Talent Show and more,”
The Board of Regents developed the policy allowing students to be accredited with UPFF Fund A fees. Nebraska Universities must report the refund option to students 30 days after classes begin, then students can apply for a refund.
Once a refund is requested, the Finance Office reverses the Fund A Fee charge from a student’s account. Those who apply for this refund cannot reverse it and will not be able to particpate in certain activities for free anymore.
“If they go to event, they will be like a community member,” said Jill Purdy, director of finance. Students will have to pay to attend events such as the LPAC 5k Fun Run, Spring Concert and FAME Talent Show.
Activity fees are $9 for students enrolled in one to six and a half credit hours, and $15 for seven or more credit hours. Students registered for on-campus credit hours are eligible for a $9 or $15 refund.
Zimmer said she hopes students will notice the impact.
“When they pay that fee, we hope they see the value it puts on campus,” Zimmer said. “The Fund A fee helps promote campus activities and engagement on campus outside of classroom experience. It’s more than an event, we believe it creates a sense of belongingness.”
For those wanting a UPFF Fund A fee refund, fill out an application form at the cashier window in the Finance Office. The office moved to URN, Pod C, for the semester, while Warner Hall is being renovated. For more information call the Office of Student Engagement at 308-865-8523.