Fraternities will move into Martin Hall during winter break. Sororities will move next fall. Photo provided by Kolton Maturey / Antelope Staff
Construction will cause offices and classrooms in the Calvin T. Ryan Library and the Mitchell Center to relocate.
Phase one of construction will begin in late January. When phase one is complete, phase two will begin around August or September 2023.
Martin Hall, University Residences
Martin Hall is scheduled to reopen in January, but it is uncertain if it will be before or after the spring semester begins. Five fraternities will move into Martin Hall from URS.
In August of 2023, four sororities will be relocating into the new residence hall being built north of Martin Hall and east of the Union. Martin Hall will hold 80 beds for the fraternities, and the new residence hall will hold 165 beds for the sororities. The area between the two buildings will be dedicated to greenspace.
Gottula said URS will be used as a “swing space,” meaning, with the construction happening in the library, Mitchell Center and Warner Hall, offices will be relocated there temporarily.
URS could be vacated as early as December after finals week, and the faculty from the library and Mitchell Center could be moved into URS as soon as January.
Gottula said the goal is to have everyone moved and relocated before the three-week intersession ends on Jan. 20.
Officials decided it was cheaper to build all new Greek housing than to renovate URN and URS.
URN and URS will eventually be demolished and replaced with greenspace, while the surrounding parking lot is kept.
Gottula highlighted the importance of flexibility with the construction process.
“There is a disruption having to move mid semester,” Gottula said. “There are some challenges with it, but again, it’s a small sacrifice for the final outcome when you really step back and look at what’s happening. It’s a pretty cool thing.”
Calvin T. Ryan Library
Renovations in the library are scheduled to begin late January. During phase one, the west side of the first floor will be renovated. This side holds three restrooms, a lactation room and staff offices.
Students will still have access to the main commons area on the same floor. A majority of the books and archives will be stored in the lower level, so students will not have access to the basement. Remaining library materials will be stored in available storage rooms around campus.
The lower level of the library holds meeting spaces and offices for the Honors Program. These offices will have to relocate before Christmas break, but a location is not decided yet. The top floor of the library will be closed and the Learning Commons will also be relocated to an alternative place.
Evan Boyd, dean of the library, said the library staff will compile a list of alternative buildings where students can study and available hours.
Mitchell Center
Renovations in the Mitchell Center are scheduled to begin late January. The west side of the Mitchell Center will undergo construction first. This will remove access to the spaces beyond the entrance, like the Department of Communication computer lab and newsroom dedicated as The Antelope’s primary workspace.
The classes usually held in the Mitchell Center will take place in West Center and Discovery Hall. Students will have access to the computer lab in West Center, but there may be conflicts with other classes.
The student radio station KLPR 91.1 will stay in its current location on the east side of the Mitchell Center during phase one. The radio station’s general manager will remain in his office beside KLPR. When phase two starts, students and faculty will have to use the emergency exit door to access the studio. During both phases, power will have to be shut off periodically in the building, which will take away some airtime for radio shows.
Faculty offices will also be closed off. They will be relocated to University Residence South since there will be limited space in West Center and Discovery Hall.
Todd Gottula, senior director of Communications and Marketing, said these plans are not confirmed but meetings are leaning toward these solutions.
Warner Hall
Warner Hall renovations are scheduled to begin in late January or early February, leaving faculty and staff scrambling for office space.
There are approximately 17 administrative offices within Warner Hall.
Gottula said there is not one specific building or area that they will be relocated to. URS or the Nebraskan Student Union are the most available buildings for office space.
Chancellor Doug Kristensen’s office will most likely be moved to the Chancellor’s Dining Room in the Nebraskan Student Union. Project managers are still searching for open spaces to convert into office space for the rest of the Warner Hall administrators.