For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of the college life. Independence. Freedom. Change. The idea of not having a 7-hour school day and living on my own sounded pretty sweet.
As my college stay is closing in on a month, it is safe to say I have experienced one of the hardest changes of my life. Many of the aspects of college that I was most excited about were the hardest to adjust to. I missed my family. I missed the comfort of my own home. I missed my consistent, predictable life. The change was overwhelming.
As time has gone on, I have gotten used to the change. I still miss all those things, but I have adapted to this new lifestyle to the point where I am no longer overwhelmed by every single thing. Part of what made it so hard was feeling like no one else was struggling to adjust. I didn’t see anyone else struggling, but I doubt I was alone in these feelings.
My hope is that by sharing my struggle, it will help others feel less alone in their own. Coming to college is uncomfortable and figuring out this new life can be challenging. There are a few key things that have helped make the adjustment easier for me.
Establishing a routine
College is a big shift in one’s lifestyle and environment. Life could not be more different than what I am used to. I am constantly feeling uncertainty and doubt. Establishing a routine has helped steady me when it feels like a million things are being thrown at me.
Knowing when to stop
With classes, homework and studying, it can be hard to catch a break. My brain has constantly felt overworked and like it just couldn’t go anymore. Stopping what I am doing and coming back to it later has been a successful solution. When I force my brain to press on, it causes a downward spiral of doubt and stress, instead of accomplishing anything.
Scheduling “me time”
One thing I have always struggled with is putting all of my focus on what I have to do. I stress so much on what I need to get done, that I do not take time to just relax. This pattern has created excess stress with no way to destress. To prevent burnout, I try and schedule in time where I can do something for myself. Reading, watching a show and getting involved in organizations have helped me find purpose outside of school.
If you are having a hard time adjusting to college, give yourself some grace. College is a complete one-eighty from what we know. Everyone adjusts to college differently and at different times. It’s okay if students haven’t yet.