Help Wanted sign, photo provided by Kolton Maturey / Antelope Staff
UNK administration staff is working to fill vacant jobs on campus. Around 30 positions are open, and multiple veteran staff members have retired or left campus.
Kelly Bartling, vice chancellor for Enrollment Management and Marketing, described the administrative team’s hiring process.
“So, we will be talking to students, talking to faculty and staff to establish what UNK’s priority needs are, and these future positions that we are looking to fill,” Bartling said.
Bartling said UNK’s administrative team conducts job searches within a search committee. Positions are posted online until candidates come forth.
The committee meets to review the candidates and conduct interviews. A final deliberation process decides which candidate will be chosen.
Many positions are empty because of veteran staff resignations or promotions.
On July 1, Dr. Gilbert Hinga, the former dean of Student Affairs, resigned to accept a job offer from Brandeis University in Massachusetts, where he is now interim director of the counseling center.
Hinga reflected on his time.
“Before I came to UNK, I’d hear about it and how people here are like family — Loper family,” Hinga said. “And I can attest that has been my experience here, and it’s because of that experience that compelled me to apply for the full-time position.”
George Holman, previous associate dean for Student Affairs, became interim dean of Student Affairs in July. He will assume responsibilities within the position until it is filled.
An official report for staff changes in Enrollment Management and Student Affairs as of Aug. 15 listed eight open positions:
· Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life
· Assistant Director Student & Family Transition and Leadership
· Director Office of Student Diversity & Inclusion
· Residence Hall Director
· Mental Health Practitioner
· Learning Strategies Coordinator
· Diversity & Community Outreach Recruiter
· Transfer Specialist, Admissions
Although these and several other positions remain empty, the role of senior vice chancellor for Academic Affairs was filled.
Kristen Majocha started the job on July 1, yet she already has big plans to ensure success for students and staff.
“My first agenda item was to really understand the breadth and scope of my responsibilities here on UNK’s campus,” Majocha said. “That meant meeting with my direct reports and meeting with a lot of other folks too, who maybe don’t directly report to me, but have a direct impact on Academic Affairs.”
Majocha’s succession plan includes three areas of focus for the future, involved with the Higher Learning Committee, rural healthcare education and the Regional Engagement Center.
Bartling shared how student opinion will be a leading factor in filling these positions.
“We as an institution are only as good as our people,” Bartling said. “Having student affairs professionals that are eager to listen to students and work with them on things they want to experience at UNK is one of the primary attributes we’re looking for.”