ERIKA PRICHARD / UNK MARKETING The goods donated to the Loper Pantry will be given to the Kearney community.
The Greeks v. Athletes food drive collected nearly 1,000 goods for Loper Pantry.
Over the past year, UNK and many internal and external organizations have been working to make sure students and community members have their basic needs met. Two of UNK’s largest student groups collaborated to address campus food insecurity.
The food drive was incorporated into Greek Week, lasting from March 22-26. With about 900 students in the athletics department and FSL combined, the food drive had plenty of willing hands to participate throughout the week.
After getting the players in place the next order of business was informing the Kearney area.
“We had a flyer that was used on social media and sent out to relevant leaders in the community to spread the word,” Hassenstab said.
Fighting hunger is a serious issue, but the two groups still found a way to keep it fun and interesting.
“Both groups are competitive in nature but also love to give back,” said Kelsey Hassenstab, Assistant Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life. “A food drive and competition in one was a great way to work together and make a difference.”
The athletes reeled in 311 items, but FSL would not be outshined on their week of festivities. The Greeks would take a decisive win with 678 items.
For health and safety purposes, contact was reduced by placing donation bins in high-traffic areas on campus, allowing people to drop off items at their convenience.
The Greek Week food drive brought in nearly 1,000 goods to stock the Loper Pantry and will go directly to the UNK community.