CREATIVE COMMONS ‘Scary Hours 2’ followed Drake’s ‘Scary Hours’ EP, which was released in 2018.
Music is ever-changing and in today’s society if an artist does not keep up with the change of society, culture, and life in general they become obsolete.
Rap has become a very popular genre of music amongst Millennials and especially Gen Z. And anyone who knows anything about rap has heard the name Drake. From Hotline Bling, One Dance, and Nice For What Drake has proven he is capable of making hits. However, his new album Scary Hours 2 should have stayed in the grave just like his money.
His first song on the album “What’s Next” ironically had me wanting to press the next song. When he started out the song with a bunch of “Ayes” like a poorly written rap song from the 90’s I knew Drake’s career had taken a turn for the worst.
Lemon Pepper kept with the trend of having absolutely no substance. Drake proceeded to rhyme throughout the whole song but never once had a well-expressed thought. One verse in the song went, “‘Magine me still rappin’ ‘bout if I never made it,” and it was the only verse I fully understood what he was trying to get across. He prioritized rhyme over rhythm and flow and unfortunately, it shows.
Lyrically he was lacking, and he had repetition on verses that did not deserve to be in the song at all, let alone the two or three times it occurred.
There were no noticeable switch-ups in any of his songs as he kept one very basic flow throughout all the songs. This made the songs very one-dimensional and drag out forever. This was not beneficial to the artist.
Overall I went into listening to Drake’s album a cynic. I came out a realist seeing as Wild’n Out has had better verses in just one episode than Drake did in his whole album.