UNK Louie Loper
Spring is right around the corner, but spring break is nowhere to be found.
Students across campus are beginning to feel the effects of a breakless semester as classes ramp up moving into the final months of the school year, while obligations to student activities spike alongside rising temperatures.
As tensions rise, so too are COVID-19 case numbers on campus, again more than doubling from last week’s count of four to this week’s nine. Anxiety about the semester’s back nine is building with nowhere to go.
It’s more important now than ever to be patient and considerate, but it’s also time to stop making compromises on personal well-being.
As spring comes around the corner, students should make sure to allocate what little time they have with their obligations responsibly. “Doomscrolling” Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or whatever other social media platform you use to keep tabs on your friends might not be a great idea as they start departing for spring break while we’re all stuck here plugging away.
We as a student body need to be mindful of each other’s needs and boundaries as we move towards finals together. To the teachers who have recognized the increased stress on students, we thank you for letting students stop to catch their breaths.
In a shortened semester, we’ve all been forced to do the the same amount of work in less time and with less rest. It’s simple math: if you change the number of weeks and leave the amount of work the same, the rate of the work has to increase.
The result is overworked, underrested students who are going to fall behind. At the end of the day, something has to give. Don’t let it be student health.