UNK is administering the random COVID-19 tests in Cope Stadium.
UNK has made health and safety a priority with its decision to continue offering intramural sports.
Although intramural sports were back last semester, they were not guaranteed for spring 2021. Administration decided just a couple weeks before the semester began to continue the program.
Student participation keeps intramural sports and Campus Recreation committed to doing their part.
“We’ve made a lot of changes: increased staff, more rigorous cleaning and sanitizing, and masks are required during every activity, no exceptions,” said junior Max Baker, a senior intramural supervisor.
The pandemic has made some changes necessary, but nothing that has drastically affected the way intramurals operate.
Currently, there are about 500 participants signed up. The 2020 spring semester had nearly 700 participants due to campus accessibility being cut short by COVID-19. Historically, the fall semester is the busiest, with an average range of 800 to 900 participants. Fall 2020 had fewer than normal with just over 700 students. Part of the drop seen last semester may be attributed to UNK Intramural Sports offering less activities.
Additional precautions included altering game times, adjusting number of players per team and limiting the number of users in the facilities. Intramural leaders also made careful considerations about the sports that were selected, number of players per team, frequency of player contact and shared equipment.
UNK intramural sports has been working closely with colleagues from other universities such as UNL, UNO, Creighton and Wayne State to collaborate and discuss what their peer institutions are offering,
The exciting game of dodgeball was one of the four leagues offered this semester. Spirits were high among participating students as the competition heated up with safety measures in place.
“I think the school’s got a good handle on it,” said Keenan Torres, a freshman studying construction management.
Aside from dodgeball, intramural sports will offer volleyball, pickleball and broomball (a hockey-like game played at the Viaero Event Center) leagues. There will also be one-day events such as a snowman competition, Mario Kart tournament and human foosball.
Each semester, the events are split into two, roughly six-week-long sections. UNK intramural sports is planning to offer some outdoor activities in the second section once the weather starts to warm up.
“Despite the circumstances, we continue to offer students an outlet that is beneficial not just for their physical health but provides a fun and welcoming environment that benefits social and mental health,” said Kailey Paul, graduate assistant of intramural sports.
UNK and intramural sports will continue to follow direct health measures from local and state departments and incorporate their own policies to offer the best college experience possible.