SUE PEDERSEN UNK’s cat population utilizes the shelters provided by LoperCats to keep out of the rain and cold.
Despite low temperatures pushing people indoors, cats are still roaming UNK’s campus. UNK’s community has developed a warm heart for these felines, who some people call the Loper cats.
Run primarily by Sherry Morrow and Deb Shroeder, LoperCats is an organization in Kearney that takes care of the cats on campus. Morrow and Shroeder help make sure the felines are getting fed and have a warm place to hide out in the cold temperatures. The organization has provided a number of places around campus for the cats to eat and take shelter.
“I think that if there wasn’t an organization on campus taking care of the cats, they should be taken to the animal shelter, so they are warm and have food,” said Tomas Margritz, a junior. “But since there is an organization in place to take care of the cats, I think they are fine where they are at. I enjoy seeing the cats running around campus when I am walking to class.”
LoperCats allows anyone to join. Students don’t have to have a certain major or interest in order to be a part of LoperCats; all they need is a love for taking care of animals.
Students wanting to learn more about LoperCats or ways to donate to help them purchase food and supplies can visit the LoperCat’s Facebook page. LoperCats keep their Facebook up to date on different events involving felines around the community.