Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga
David Dobkin’s “Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga” is the love story that I never knew I wanted to see. It is one of those rare parodies that can succeed on almost every level. The characters are vibrant, the jokes on par, the mystery intriguing and the underdog/love story is as heart-warming as can be.
This movie is like watching a ship getting ready to explode. The amount of chaos that ensues throughout the entire story usually makes for a poorly put together plotline. However, it was done with a chaotic precision that creates suspense, intrigue and laughter throughout.
The show did an excellent job of packing in homages and cameos which came at the perfect time, due to COVID-19 cancelling the 2020 show. The most obvious cameo that is placed in the movie is Demi Lovato. Granted, she is not the best actress, but somehow her poor acting adds to the humor of the show. Many of the former winners of Eurovision Song Contest also perform in the show.
The song choices and performances are absolutely fantastic. The catchy tunes and flashy lights grabbed my attention and I could not look away. The ethereal voice of Sigrit has my heart longing for a home I have never been, filled with elves and magic. “Lion of Love” had me standing up to dance and sing along.
The acting overall was great. Rachel McAdams impeccably embodies the sweet Sigrit that everyone instantly loves. Will Ferrell creates the perfect Lars, the man we all want to hit over the head with a brick. And Alexander played by Dan Stevens is the vibrant antagonist who I cannot help but like despite his malicious intentions.
I would have to give this movie four Lopes out of fives, due to the fact that the main characters, Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams do drop their Icelandic accents throughout the movie, and it is a bit distracting. I will admit however, that Sigrit and Lars have amazing chemistry that makes the movie, despite the few mishaps.
The ending left its audience with a warm feeling in their hearts that reinstates faith in humanity. The roller coaster of emotions is well worth the ride. I would highly recommend watching “Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga.”