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MARIANA CHAVEZ TALAVERAchavezmg@lopers.unk.edu
With classes going online for the remainder of the year it could be easy to fall behind. For some students who haven’t taken online classes, it can be kind of scary trying to schedule time to go over slides, record discussions or complete online homework. Below are a few tips that have helped me in the past with regular and online classes.
Set aside time during a regular schedule.
It’s hard to remember to actually sit down and go over lectures, especially when students aren’t required to physically attend. However, many blogs and sites suggest still ‘attending’ the class like how it was regularly scheduled. Schedule time to go over your work for that day by reading handouts that are posted, watching videos and doing homework.
A lot of classes will still be taught via Zoom, so remember to attend those online courses, instead of picking up that extra hour shift at work. An extra twelve dollars will not be worth it when the class attendance starts suffering.
Get a planner.
Using a planner and writing down your assignments, quizzes and tests will help keep you stay caught up. Create a weekly schedule and cross off tasks when they are completed. Seeing the progress made helps keep people organized.
The Notes and Calendar app are also helpful for setting up reminders on people’s phones. Make sure to set a few reminders and plan work days ahead of time before the assignments are due.
Check your email.
Some students tend to ignore their email during the regular school year, but now is the time to change that habit. Requests made by professors, campus updates and new alerts will be communicated via email. Stay up to date because you cannot speak to your professor, classmates or advisors in person any more. Email is the best form of communication at the moment.
Download the Outlook app in the app store. Make it a priority to check your email first thing in the morning while drinking coffee or going for a walk. I like checking my emails while on the treadmill. It’s called multitasking, and I have faith that everyone can do it too if they put forth the effort.