cunninghams journal
JASMINE THOMPSONthompsonjm2@lopers.unk.edu
Local restaurants recognize their role as small businesses to follow the guidance of the CDC, city, state and federal government agencies. They will be proactive in addressing all health and safety guidelines as well as be up-to-date information that is available.
These local restaurants are taking extra measures to fulfill their cleaning and hygiene protocols. These small businesses also request that consumers follow the same vigilance.
Cunningham’s on the lake
They will be open but limiting their hours of operation at both locations. Cunningham’s will also be adhering to the guidelines set by their local health experts. This includes limiting their corad sizes and interior distancing until further notice. All live entertainment is cancelled over the coming weeks. Carryout and delivery are available by telephone.
Skeeter Barnes
Due to an overabundance of concern for their guests, their staff and their community, they are following the requests of the governor and the CDC mandated 10 guest maximum in the restaurant.
They strongly suggest that customers utilize their online ordering app, either by texting SKEETER to 33733 or by going to their menu online at www.skeeterbarnes.com.
Komal Mexican Taqueria
Their goal as of right now is to continue to run business as normal with some adjustments. They will do so as long as possible while always taking considerable decisions.
Please consider the following:
Call in take-out
You can call us directly at 308-224-3994
Order on menufy
Free delivery offered until the 29th of March.
Order delivery on DoorDash
You can suggest a no-contact delivery.
To find daily updates on Kearney restaurant openings, go to https://www.kearneycoc.org/covid19