chik fil a on campus
CASSIE BROWNbrownc4@lopers.unk.edu
The Nebraskan Student Union building is empty upon indefinite closure of campus restaurants. Students are clearing out, and it is becoming evident.
Sodexo UNK Dining Services does not want to have a hand in spreading germs.
“We are trying to limit the spread [of COVID-19], and that has been our goal,” said General Manager Jatinder Singh.
In compliance with CDC recommendations, the dining services at UNK have made the decision to close Chick-fil-A, Subway, Starbucks, The Grid, and Louie’s Diner. Each service bears a sign explaining its closure until further notice. The continuation of these services could be seen as a health risk due to the usual long lines and bustling crowds. The closure of these services will help prevent students from gathering in large groups.
Even with the temporary closure of Louie’s Diner and the first-floor dining options at the Student Union, The Market at 27th Street will continue to provide food service for students that will remain on campus throughout spring break.
To combat illness, the cafeteria is pre-packaging some of the food for students. To reduce the spread of germs, the staff puts food on plates for students to minimize the number of people that touch the serving spoons and tongs. In addition, they are sanitizing surfaces more often.
Sodexo UNK Dining Services is doing the best it can to still serve students and promote a safe and healthy environment.
“Our primary concern is the safety of our students,” Singh said.
Sodexo UNK Dining Services will continue to take the necessary precautions to combat the spread of COVID-19.