issue 3 cover
JASMINE THOMPSONthompsonjm2@lopers.unk.edu
Test your knowledge and you could just win a $100 cash prize. The UNK Loper Programming and Activities Council (LPAC) is hosting a Trivia Night over pop culture covering six categories around the world.
Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, and North America will be covered starting at 8 p.m. on Thursday. Feb. 20 at UNKs Student Union. You and teams of up to four are invited to expand your trivia skills, meet new people and branch out of your comfort zone.
There will be snacks like and drinks provided for participants. This event is a great way to find different passions you may be interested in as well as meeting people around campus who may also be interested with similar interests.
LPAC is a student-run group which plans a number of activities for the UNK community each year. Although, small events such as trivia nights are low in cost it still takes planning and facilitating for these to occur.
Thanks to students at UNK like Rachel Higgins, studying criminal justice and Broc Stuhr studying supply chain management, LPAC events are made possible due to hard work and dedication put forth in the club.