antelope issue 10
ANTELOPE EDITORIALharrisonce@lopers.unk.edu
Holidays give students a great point of motivation at this time of the year. As we take a look back on this semester, it is hard to believe that nearly four months have passed so quickly. However, there is still a whole week left: the week that determines if your semester was a bust or a success.
This is a lot of pressure for any student or lecturer to take on. As Fall 2019 nears its close, the stress of finals looms without interruption. Still, this is a time to enjoy our final days in whichever era we find ourselves in. Whether this was your first semester at UNK or your last – or if you’re somewhere in between – this one was just as crucial as the rest.
Over this holiday we’ll all get some rest and relaxation, but until then it is a time to stay focused and active. Finals are a defining moment for all of us, but they aren’t the only thing that define us. Our unique characters and individual part as members of a community are just as vital. During this season people often hide away, deep in study or preparation for the end of the end of the year. However, it often means a hurried exit for break. There are few goodbyes and even fewer reflections over everything that was accomplished over the year.
Despite finals and the concluding steps towards finishing any semester, I would challenge anyone to not let themselves slip into complete seclusion. Being active and moving around, even if it is just moving between different places to study, is the best thing you can do to give yourself a quick break. As well as make a few more lasting memories in wrapping up this semester. There is always time for that, even in the last week.