Dayton Sealey running away from Northeastern defenders
ANTELOPE EDITORIALharrisonce@lopers.unk.edu
For the second time in UNK history, the Loper football team is headed to a bowl game.
This following the women’s volleyball team winning their fourth straight MIAA season title leads Lopers and Loper fans toward having high hopes and high expectations for fall seasons to come.
However, the Loper football team’s first bowl game in 64 years is enought to be excited about all on its own. Keeping up with exciting wins and heartbreaking losses has been, at times, almost too much to bear. It is great to see our teams getting opportunities to show for their hard work and dedication to their teammates, their school and to their fellow student body.
The Lopers will be combating the Winona State Warriors on Saturday, Dec. 7. The game will be the 53rd Annual Mineral Water Bowl in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. This will also be only the second time in Loper football’s history to compete against the Winona Warriors, the first having been a loss in 1994.
Everyone knows that a rematch having spent 25 years in the making is one to be sorely missed, or better yet, to not be missed at all.
Sports have always been a key element behind what makes Nebraska stand out; a motivator that keeps us in continual discussion under anticipation for another year. Now, Loper fooball is on another rise, and we hope you all anticpate its future as much as we do.
Sports aren’t what college is all about, but the parallels we hear made to academics and even life still stand: we are all learning, growing, and making it through each win and loss. But, what do you say we go get that win?