antelope issue five newspapers
ALANA KELLENkellenar@lopers.unk.edu
Students looking for a haunted house close to campus need to check out the Haunting of UNK that will be happening Oct. 25 and 26. The haunted house acts like a tour around the campus greens around the bell tower. Check in will be on the west entrance of Copeland Hall.
Ashley Eisnpahr, a junior organizational and relationship communication major from Arcadia is the chief marketing officer behind this haunted tour. Einspahr and four others decided to bring the haunting to UNK for their business class where they have to start up and end a business. The business is an event company called Scary Good Entertainment.
“We thought it would be unique to campus and since OcSoberfest isn’t happening at KneeKnocker woods, we thought we could bring the scary to campus,” Einspahr said. “We’re getting help from the Theatre department Honors club so all of the money we make will be going back into their department.”
In case of bad weather or if it becomes popular and more people want to do the tour, the following weekend is reserved for the Haunting of UNK. This could give the students more opportunities to take advantage of this event put on by fellow students.
“Thanks to the College of Business and Technology, Lisa Tschauner and Bree Dority, and Professor Dr. Chaffin for allowing us to do this business and pushing us towards our ideas,” Einspahr said. “Tickets are ready to be purchased and any support from fellow UNK faculty, staff, students, and alumni is extremely appreciated!”
Tickets are available for presale for $7 and the link can be found on Facebook @thehauntingofunk or tickets can be purchased for $10 at the door. Ticket booths open at 8:30 p.m. with the event starting at 9 p.m. and the last tour starting at 11:30 p.m.