Quiñonez, Wegener named king, queen
By Alana Kellen
Antelope Staff
Every year, students can nominate up to two people from each campus organization for homecoming court. Loper Programming and Activities Council had two representatives and both candidates were crowned king and queen.
Odwuar Quiñonez, a senior elementary education major from Lexington, was shocked when he won. Quiñonez is involved with LPAC, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Kappa Delta Phi, is the secretary for Phi Delta Theta and is the senior advisor for Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society, to name just a few of the campus organizations he is involved in.
“I wasn’t nominated in high school, so this was all really shocking to me,” Quiñonez said. “I couldn’t say no to the nomination, because I wanted to represent LPAC as a whole, and I was happy and honored to accept the nomination.”
Alongside Quiñonez was Anna Wegener, a senior from Lindsay majoring in business administration with an emphasis in accounting. Wegener is a member of the Honors Student Advisory Board and the Honors Program, is president of LPAC, a Chancellor’s Student Ambassador, and is a member of Phi Eta Sigma, Beta Alpha Psi and Beta Gamma Sigma.
“I always hoped I’d be nominated,” Wegener said. “I didn’t let myself get too hopeful, so I wasn’t disappointed, but when they nominated me, and I won — it’s awesome.”
Both Quiñonez and Wegener have been heavily involved in LPAC and with their other organizations during their time at UNK.
Being involved can help students get recognized by staff, faculty and other students.
“I’m the only Hispanic that’s on homecoming court and I’m so proud,” Quiñonez said. “I’m outgoing and know a lot of people on campus and now more people are going to recognize me, so they get to see me representing UNK in a good way.”
Quiñonez never saw himself at UNK, but a good scholarship offer changed his mind. Now he loves being here and being a difference maker.
Wegener still can’t believe she won. She wasn’t nominated for royalty in her small class of 11 students in high school, so this was a nice surprise. Her dedication to LPAC made her stand out in her organization and led to her nomination.
“I can’t picture myself freshman year and be like ‘Oh you’re going to be homecoming queen’ and now I am, which shows people know me and notice the work I do on campus and appreciate what I do,” Wegener said.
Quiñonez and Wegener were presented at the homecoming parade and at the home football game Saturday.
Both candidates enjoyed the activities during homecoming.
While Quiñonez’s favorite event is the Lip Sync, he was very excited to be presented in the parade and throw candy to people.
“I just want to thank everyone who voted,” Quiñonez said. “It just means so much to me.”
Wegener’s favorite homecoming event is the parade.
“I love doing the parade. It’s an early morning, but it’s fun to make sure everything runs well,” Wegener said. “LPAC does such an amazing job Organizing and running the parade. I’m excited I get to share this moment with Odwuar and that both LPAC reps won.”