Taylor Janicek (left) and Logan Krejdl (right) throw their Lopes after hearing that they won the election. A total of 1,377 votes were cast in the election, the second highest total since 2011.
Voters bring 2nd highest turnout since 2011
By Braydon Conell
This year, 1,377 votes were cast for the positions of student body president and student body vice president. The total was the second highest voter turnout rate at UNK since 2011.
As these positions were the last to be announced, everyone sat anxiously awaiting the results. This year, two groups ran for these prestigious positions. One option was Micah Carlson, a political science and English major from Central City, and Matthew Brunkhorst, a computer science major from Blair.
Having the slogan “Our Future,” Carlson and Brunkhorst brought in 37 percent of the
vote. The other group, and ultimately the victors of the election, were Logan Krejdl, a business and sports management major from Aurora, and Taylor Janicek, a psychology major from Bridgeport. Running with the slogan “Your Life. Your College. Your Way.” Krejdl and Janicek pulled 63 percent of the vote, for a total of 872 votes. Both groups attended the NU Advocacy Day on the Tuesday before the election to advocate for maintaining support for the NU system with state senators.
Prior to being elected, Krejdl and Janicek already had proposed a list of executive cabinet members. Their selections remain as follows: Chief of Staff Paige Kristensen of Minden; Assistant Chief of Staff Asic Helberg of Indianola; Secretary of Community Relations Shelby Hoffmann of Aurora; Secretary of the Treasury Jase Hueser of Papillion; and Secretary of Student Organizations and Affairs Kristen Tomjack of Wahoo.
Although the Student Government elections are over and Krejdl and Janicek will be taking over the helm shortly, the work on platform items with continue.
Library Renovations
Continue the work of our predecessors with library renovations using the data of the library survey
Set a strict timeline to get renovations to take place this summer
Renovations include: better use of space, more study rooms and tables, etc
Campus Meal Plans
Continue/improve dining committee in Louie’s and the Marketplace to make sure we get the quality of food we pay for
Union Renovations
Support surveys and forums for student input throughout phase 2 and 3 of the process
Increase Budget Advocacy Efforts
Tuition increase will be impacting us as students
Form focus groups to contact and meet with the Nebraska Legislature (comprised of UNK students) to illustrate the importance of investing in further education
Campus Beautification
Sand volleyball court/hammocks
Continue efforts of predecessors with parking
New basketball hoops in Cushing
Continue to implement and work toward a “true” dead week by using survey results and having an efficient way to report these violations to the Dean of each college
Create policy that requires professors to provide timely feedback
Avoid career fair conflicts such as tests and large project deadlines