Courtney Lierman
Antelope Staff
1. Students are joined by Chancellor Doug Kristensen during the national anthem at the flagpoles by the fountain. The national anthem was played by members of the UNK marching band and ROTC presented the colors at the Veterans Day celebration.
2. UNK Student Body President Austin Partridge makes his opening address to all who gathered on campus green for the Veterans Day event. Partridge started off by thanking everyone in the crowd who has served in any branch of military past or present and also took a moment to recognize fallen soldiers.
3. Special guest speaker Lt. Col. William Prusia joins the crowd to shake hands and meet all who came to celebrate Veterans Day. Prusia is a proud UNK alum who reopened the ROTC program on campus in 2009 after a 12 year absence. Prusia now resides in Bellevue with his wife Angie and their three kids.
4. Members of the UNK ROTC stand at attention as the Veterans Day Ceremony kicks off at the Cope Fountain Flag Poles Nov. 10. The presentation was sponsored by LPAC and ROTC and was set to honor anyone who has served our country.