No question about it, the English honors society will host spooky gathering at local coffee shop
Kaitlin Schneider
Antelope Staff
As it is that mysterious time of year when ghouls and goblins awaken to celebrate Halloween, college clubs and groups throw themed get-togethers and events. One group in particular, Sigma Tau Delta, will be hosting an Open Mic Night at Calico Coffee, located downtown just off of Railroad Street. The event will take place on All Hallows Eve from 4-6 pm.
It will also be a costume party, so besides finding your best work to read to the crowd, be sure to put together your best attire. Or, just dig through your closet and throw something together. Whether you’re going as a terrifying monster, your favorite fictional character or anything else in between, you are sure to have a good time at this event.
Calico Coffee Company is a relatively new establishment in Kearney, and owner Brock Arehart says that he is happy to be hosting this event for the group. He hopes to be able to host more arts-related events and to create closer ties with UNK’s English department, along with the UNK chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, Xi Beta. He also said that visitors of Calico have been very impressed with the location, comparing it with coffee houses from Boulder, New York City and other locales.
Besides consuming the stellar coffee and experiencing the wonderful atmosphere for this event, students and professors alike are eagerly awaiting the readings from their peers.
Mackenzie Marrow, says that she is looking forward the night’s entertainment. “I’m really excited to hear other people’s work and what they have to say. In class you might talk about what you’ve written for a second, but it’s rare that we actually get to hear it and experience it.”
Dr. Megan Hartman, one of UNK’s English professors and a chapter adviser, said that she is looking forward to the crazy costumes because English majors always get creative when it comes to dressing up and she cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with.
Be sure to clear a couple of hours on your Halloween night for this fantastic event hosted by Sigma Tau Delta. As a member of this group and as a past attendee of other mic nights, I can tell you that you absolutely should not miss it. Excellent coffee, great people, terrific costumes and all-around good fun for everyone. What’s not to love about that! We hope to see you there.
Founded in 1924 at Dakota Wesleyan University, the International English Honors Society confers distinction for high achievement in English language, literature and writing. The entire society has approximately 880 active chapters and inducts around 9,000 members every year. Our local chapter just recently hosted a launch party for the UNK literary magazine, The Carillon, and will be having an induction ceremony for new members on Nov. 10. The Xi Beta chapter is advised by Megan Hartman, Marguerite Tassi and Karyn Hixson.