UNK holds Lindenwood scoreless until 86th minute, loses in overtime 1-2
Devon Andre
Antelope staff
1. Goalkeeper Ali Hirschman defends the goal against a Lindenwood attack. Lindenwood scored their first goal in the closing minutes of regulation to tie the game 1-1 and send it to overtime.
2. Freshman Parker Humpal throws the ball in bounds. Humpal scored her first career goal on her first career shot for the Loper’s lone score against Lindenwod.
3. Caitlin Rerucha, a junior middlefielder from Omaha Skutt, helps the aggressive Loper defense hold Lindenwood scoreless in the first half.
4. Marika Van Brocklin, a senior from Hastings, defends the Loper goal against Lindenwood. The Loper defense played strong in regulation but gave up a score less than a minute into overtime for the Lindenwood victory.